Hey everyone, big news in the solar power world! Toshiba and Sekisui Chemical are teaming up with about 150 other companies and organizations to push for next-gen flexible solar panels, according to Nikkei.
This new council aims to set a production goal for perovskite solar cells by this summer, targeting fiscal year 2040. These goals will shape Japan's renewable energy policies, which the government will finalize by the end of this fiscal year.
Perovskite solar cells are Japan's cutting-edge tech. They're super thin and bendable, perfect for places where regular solar panels don't fit, like on building walls and windows.
Toshiba and Sekisui Chemical are both in the game, with Sekisui planning to launch their solar cells next year.
Other big names joining the council include Panasonic Holdings, auto parts maker Aisin, and chemical company Kaneka. The Japan Railways Group is also on board, along with various real estate industry groups.
On the government side, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, other central agencies, and nearly 100 local governments, including Tokyo, will participate.
Currently, Japan's energy plan from 2021 doesn't mention perovskite solar panels for the 2030 goals. But the updated plan coming this year will include them in the renewable energy mix for 2040. Stay tuned for more updates!